This property has sold.

Details: Retail

Asking Price: $3,250,000

Square Feet: 86,764 SF

Asking Cap Rate: 10.84%

NOI: $352,326

SOLD – Western Square

1500 W Main St, Laurens, SC


Western Square is a 86,764sf BiLo anchored shopping center in the Greenville, SC MSA.  The BiLo lease is guaranteed by Ahold Delhaize, Credit rating Baa1.  BiLo has anchored the center for over 27 years and has a 2.54% health ratio.  The center has an e-commerce resistant tenant mix with a mix of service oriented, restaurants, and medical tenants currently occupying space.  With 18% vacancy, Western Square offers significant upside through lease up.


  • 55% of the center is made up of national tenants
  • E-commerce proof with 65% of the revenue coming from BI-LO, 15% from service-oriented tenants, 8% from restaurants and 12% from medical
  • An investor will be able to realize significant organic NOI growth through built-in annual rental escalations
  • Extensive CapEx invested into the center with LED parking lot lights installed and parking lot resealed and striped
  • Opportunity to add outparcels (owned by others)
  • With over 20 locations, BI-LO is the dominant grocer in the Greenville MSA, the largest MSA in South Carolina with a population of almost 900,000
  • The Center is anchored by BI-LO, one of the largest southeast regional grocery chains with over 150 locations
  • The Greenville MSA continues to be one of the fastest growing markets in the country.

This property has sold.