
Greyson Sigg, PGA Tour

In 2020, The Palomar Group had the opportunity to join forces and support homegrown Augusta golfer Greyson Sigg who had recently completed his career as a member of The University of Georgia golf team and was chasing his dream of a career on the PGA Tour. Through the same values that Palomar lives by including Results, Integrity, and Passion, Greyson was able to achieve that dream of becoming a PGA member in short order and continues to make Palomar and his fans proud as he competes week in and week out on tour.

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Allen Gordon Racing

As Dale Earnhardt said, "Finishing races is important, but racing is more important."

At Palomar, we focus on what's important - the race. It's not just about closing deals, it's about the process, the strategy, and the relationships we make along the way. In 2021, The Palomar Group was pleased to join forces with a shopping center industry veteran, Allen Gordon to support his racing career. The partnership has been a lot of fun and continues to be a good way for Palomar to broaden its reach with partners who live and work by the Palomar Values.

But we do like to win because, just like Ricky Bobby said, "if you ain't first, you're last."

Allen Gordon Racing Graphic

Community Involvement

We believe that supporting and investing in organizations and nonprofits is one of the best ways to give back to our community.