Located in Florida, an income tax free state and one of the highest growth states in the country over the past 10 years
South Central Florida location convenient to Orlando, Tampa, Ft Myers, Palm Beach, and other South Florida cities
Winn Dixie health ratio of under 2%
New 10-year lease with Humana and Grace & Heart in 2020
Neighborhood center with long track record of operating history
43,063 ADT at the intersection of Sebring Pkwy and US Hwy 27
Over 85% of the state’s population is within 150 mile radius
Sebring boast a significant population of retirees creating opportunities for retailers to capture a loyal and repeat customer base
Investment Highlights
Winn Dixie anchored shopping center in bustling Florida market
Only grocery anchored shopping center in the market with small shops on site (Walmart and Publix are standalone stores)
Great access and visibility
Winn Dixie recently added ten years of term to their lease and incorporated their WD Liquors concept, adding stability to their historical 35-year tenancy
Strong anchor sales and extremely low health ratios give long term viability to tenants
Over 30% of GLA with 10 years of term and 50% of GLA with 5 years or more remaining